Therapeutic Exercises and Massage
Massage is an ancient method of treatment and is implemented by mechanical "tricks." Therapeutic massage is assigned by a doctor as a treatment course. Due to massage the lymphatic and blood circulation are improved, which leads to the regulation of metabolism. Massage has very good effect on the central nervous system, resulting in the regulation of sleep.
Massage is indicated for:
• Diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
• Low back pain, arthritis, arthrosis.
• Muscle and joint contractures
• Curvature of the spine (kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis)
Massage helps restore muscle paresis in post-stroke patients. Thanks to massage toxins are removed from the body, which increases the body's resistance and human performance. Massage has quite a large positive effect on headaches, blood pressure fluctuations, tension of the nervous system, overwork.
Therapeutic Exercises
The basis of physical therapy are the physical exercises that develop speed, muscle strength, coordination of movements. Therapeutic exercise is a functional method of treatment based on the functional properties of the organism, which is carried out with the help of exercise.
Therapeutic exercise is a biological method, according to which the basis of the biological function of any body is the movement. The cabinet of physiotherapy is equipped with all necessary sports equipment.
The main tools of physiotherapy:
• Exercise
• Practical exercises and sports
• Games
Therapeutic exercise is used against the following diseases:
• Cardiovascular disease.
• Osteochondrosis, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis
• Arthritis, arthrosis
• Diseases of the respiratory system
• Diseases of the digestive system.
Literature: L. A. Gevorgyan, 1976